The Children’s Authority of Trinidad and Tobago welcomes Mr. Sheldon Cyrus, who has been appointed Director/Chief Executive Officer of the

Mr. Cyrus brings a wealth of experience to the Authority. He is a lawyer by training, with a twenty (20) year career that spans business management at
executive levels, both private and public.

Mr. Cyrus says he’s honoured and grateful to lead such a significant agency with dedicated professionals and is eager to make his contribution to the Authority as it seeks to defend and support child rights and make child protection everybody’s business.

He adds that “the children are the heart of the enterprise; therefore, my contribution must make a positive impact on the Authority’s vision for our children to be the best that they can be”.

The Board of Management, Executive and staff look forward to working with Mr. Cyrus, who has come at a critical juncture in the Authority’s history, as the organisation seeks to respond in an agile manner to the growing needs of children and their families in Trinidad and Tobago.

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