The Children’s Authority of Trinidad and Tobago urges the national community to prioritise child safety this Carnival.

The Authority recognises the cultural significance of this season for both adults and children. It remains a great avenue for cultural expression and the passing on of traditions, which hold historical significance. However, reports to the Authority indicate the need for greater supervision of children, whether they are participating in Carnival-related activities or not.

Child neglect continues to rank as the number one type of abuse reported to the Authority, causing significant concern, as children also are exposed to physical, emotional and sexual abuse.

Mr. Sheldon Cyrus, Director/Chief Executive Officer of the Authority says, “parents should ensure their children are properly supervised before they go out to party”. He adds that “leaving older children to supervise their younger siblings is not a suitable option. Instead, children should be left in the care of a trusted adult”.

The Authority is again appealing to parents and guardians to verify the safety and trustworthiness of groups and volunteers facilitating non-Carnival activities like camping and club retreats, before allowing children to participate.

The following are a few safety tips to protect children:

  • Closely monitor children at the beach, river or near any body of water. Do not allow children to enter the water alone.
  • Teach children OK and Not OK touches and that it’s okay to say “no” to unwanted hugs, kisses or other affection, even from family members.
  • Teach and remind children about recognising abuse and how to protect themselves.
  • Create and maintain free-flowing communication with children so they can tell you about any challenges they may face.
  • Set boundaries about places children may go and enforce them.
  • Encourage older children to check-in with you frequently when they are not at home.
  • Ensure that potential hazards or poisonous substances at home are well-stored and kept out of reach.
  • Be aware of your child’s online activity.

Mr. Cyrus encourages the national community, “if you are aware of incidents of child abuse, maltreatment or neglect, to call the Authority’s Hotline at 996 or the Police at 999 to make a report and do your part to keep our nation’s children safe”.

Child Protection is Everybody’s Business!